Helping Beautiful Souls Improve Their Health and Well-being by Activating their Inner Self-Healing Abilities with Remote Quantum Energy Healing

Discover How Hundreds Of People, Are Activating their Self-Healing From Within, With ONE SINGLE SESSION, Improving their Health, Wellness and Spirituality, WITHOUT Spending too much OR Wasting Time To See Results

With One Remote Healing Session, My Quantum Healing Method unlocks holistic Self-Healing Mechanism from Within, helping people Heal.

(Works 100% For Everyone no matter your situation!)

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Changing the Lives of So Many People

Find Out How To Easily Awaken your Healing Abilities in ONE Session with the Best Remote Quantum Healing Coach in the Holistic Healing Industry

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Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

See The Heart of Gratitude From Customers Showing

How Sarah's One-Session Self-Healing Has Helped them

*Real Facebook Reviews from old Facebook pages and Groups Sarah Nicole used in the past few years helping people on Social Media

Let's build a world together free of pain by letting Sarah’s One-Session Self-Healing helps you

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!
You are 100% Satisfied with your Healing Results, or Ask for a No Questions-Asked Full Refund.

What Is Included in the ONE Self-Healing Session...?

What's All The Hype About? How Does This One Single Treatment Activate your Natural Healing Abilities?

Watch This Quick Video to see How It Works

SARAH NICOLE's Self-Healing Method Is The Best Remote Quantum Healing For People Seeking Holistic Healing...

Based on My Five Pillars of Quantum Principles: A 3-Step Self-Healing Activation Method is Born

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75% OFF Today!

With the Discount Code - Normal Session price is $390

*Get Your 75% OFF DISCOUNT CODE | Promotion expiring soon


Book your Self-Healing Activation Session

One Remote Self-Healing Activation Session | 60min - 90min

What is included?

*The Discounted Offer is Only guaranteed for first time Clients for a Limited time period. The Price will go back to its normal Value of $390 after the promotional period.

The use of a Coupon Code is necessary to get the discounted price. Upon form submission, you will receive your Discount Code in your Email Inbox.

* 1 Remote Quantum Healing Session = 3 Remote Healing treatments: Soul Healing, Vibrational Healing and Spiritual Healing. 

These 3 Treatments are done back to back during your Session, and they can take anywhere from 45min to 90min depending on your case.

These 3 treatments done in the right order, will ensure Full Self-Healing Activation of your healing abilities and the process will work for you Automatically, improving your Health and Well-being every day.

*This Step will prepare your Energy to connect with Healing, your Soul will recognize the light and be adjusted to receive.

Market price of this treatment alone is estimated around $300! 

*This Treatment will connect your energy with the healing, matching your vibration with higher frequency

Market price of this treatment alone is estimated around $300! 

*This treatment will work on the healing flow you are receiving to guide it in your entire energy field

Market price of this treatment alone is estimated around $300! 

*The Healing Service, is 100% DONE-FOR-YOU fully. You do not have to do anything except ordering your Session and waiting for your Email delivery.

Once session completed, your Self-Healing Activation is ON, working for you naturally and automatically. You just sit back and enjoy the healing  in your body, Mind and Soul. 

*Upon receiving your order, your session will be scheduled 2 to 5 business days, and sometimes the next day!

*Your information is kept confidential, whatever you share with Haven Within, will never be shared elsewhere.

*You do not need to have an appointment for your session, it will be done remotely and you will receive an Email delivery once completed.

No need to schedule anything on your calendar or drive your car to leave the comfort of your own home.

*Haven Within offers a Risk-Free Money-back Guarantee, exceptional in the Holistic Healing industry!

Just email us your request within the time frame of your guarantee, and you will receive 100% of your money back, no questions asked! 

We are here to add benefits to you, and if you are not happy, there is no point to keep your money.

Will Sarah's Self-Healing Treatement Work for My Situation?

The Honest answer is YES!

It doesn't matter if you are dealing with a chronic disease, emotional issues, spiritual blocks, or Wellness goals... If you are looking for holistic healing, then YES, Sarah Nicole's Quantum Self-Healing is right for you!

Sarah's Self-Healing Method works great for Physical Health issues...

Sarah's Self-Healing Method works great for Emotional issues...

Sarah's Self-Healing Method works great for Spiritual Blocks...

Sarah's Self-Healing Method works great for Wellness Goals...

Sarah Nicole's Self-Healing Process works by Awakening your Healing abilities with a Holistic Energy Healing Treatment using Remote Quantum Healing Advanced Techniques, to prepare your Energy field to receive Lifeforce healing by Raising your Vibration. Then Connect the healing Flow to your own Spiritual body, and finally Guide the Healing Waves throughout your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual body, Ensuring Multidimensional Self-Healing Activation in all areas of your Soul and Physical Body.

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

If you are looking for holistic healing, then YES! Sarah Nicole's Quantum Self-Healing is right for you!

The Fastest Way to Recover from Anything, Improve your Health and Well-being Holistically WITHOUT Wasting Time!

Yes, you turn your Body into a Healing machine working for you around the clock, your Recovery is faster !

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Not activating your Inner abilities, is slowing your healing progress, hindering your Recovery, and harming your health at the end!

Relying on external solutions only is slowing your healing down, giving your power away.

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

The ONLY Remote Quantum Healing Treatment in the Market that activates Your Self Healing from Within

Most Energy healing and Wellness coaches we see on the market today, only know how to send a portion of healing and not how to activate Self healing for their clients

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!


These committed customers turned their lives around with huge achievements!

The Most Convenient Holistic Healing Session - Bundles 3 major Treatments in 1!

1 Single Session that combines 3 healing Treatments at once, to ensure the full Self-healing activation process.

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

The Most affordable Quantum Healing Treatment you can get in the Holistic Healing Industry today WITHOUT Sacrificing Healing Performance

Seriously, I am wondering if you can find holistic healing treatment today for less than $300 a session?

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Self-Healing Activation Reviews

*Real Reviews collected from Real Feedbacks after Activating their Self-healing

“I felt the energy within a couple of minutes when you sent it to me. It helped me relax and sleep better also I have sinus problems and my sinus pain and pressure went away so I had a nice sleep last night. Thanks again!!! I'm starting to feel like a new person!! I feel increased energy and a lot of positivity flowing, thanks Sarah 😀😀😀😀😀״
Ed H.
"Thank you Sarah during the session I could feel a tingling vibration hands and feet and I was belching like crazy non-stop i felt relaxed. I slept very well. this morning felt like the energy was still flowing drinking water and resting .. Yesterday when you started the energy healing I could feel it right away my hands started shaking and I felt vibrating throughout my body I had to lay down and allow the energy to finish. Today I'm physically tired and drained drinking lots of water and resting thank you, Sarah״
“I was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis in February, and literally have been coughing, and congested since then. I believe Sarah is truly blessed with a gift; when she has Healing Events, I suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of Wellness!!! It is very strong and extremely welcomed and appreciated! Sarah, thank you again for your gifts! ״
Lita B.
“My feet and legs are getting less swollen. The day I had a session with you I was shocked. I couldn't believe that the swelling was diminishing right then and there. I must admit I was a little skeptic at first but now I’m devoted to this page and look forward to more of your healing energy. Luv ya״
“I've been thinking of you all day. I feel great today. My mind and head are clear which is my biggest challenge. I would be blessed to join another healing session. I do have areas of severe pain but it was tolerable today. Thank you 😊🙏🏼😇״
Karen S.
“Very well my healing was needed for my spirit and heart. I do a lot of energy work myself mostly for myself but some of my pain was blocking everything and was hard to let go of I feel you helped me push through that״
“I have experienced lots of changes lately, feeling guidance, powerful energies at night, during the day when I am relaxed. I am happy and life feels bright and beautiful though outward situations are complicated...״
“I'm feeling very refreshed and also feel grounded yet my heart feels lighter. What an amazing experience you've directed for us all thank you״
Heather F.

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Here is the Blueprint of Sarah Nicole's One Single Session Self-Healing

1 Single Session = 3 Healing Treatments!

Self-Healing Session follows the exact 3 major Healing Steps mentioned earlier, to Activate your Body’s Awakening. Give it a try and see how a simple general Self-Healing session will help you...
It is my Promise to you to see Results from it right from the Start !





Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Your Self-Healing by Sarah Nicole, DONE RIGHT Tailored to Your Uniqueness!

Your journey toward healing is deeply personal.
I honor the uniqueness of every individual, transcending boundaries of age, background, or belief systems. At the heart of my practice is recognizing that we are all interconnected beings of energy capable of extraordinary self-healing capacities.
With me, your path to health and wellness transcends superficial remedies, nurturing your entire being back to its natural state of equilibrium.
A unique method of Energy Healing that is founded on activating your body to do its Self-Healing.

If I Did it, So Can You!
Let me Share My SECRET with You...

Have You Ever wondered what it takes to Become your Own personal Healer?
To Learn Self-Healing, Awaken Your Abilites From Within?

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Real clients Feedback

These clients learned to master Self -healing

Thank you for helping me this week. I've been working with people for over 19 years as a counselor, healer, and coach. People have praised my work, but I've been aware of some of my own problems that haven't completely gone away, despite all the work I've done on myself. This has made me frustrated, sad, and scared. Despite these issues, I've come up with a great new idea that's almost ready to share with the world. By working with you, I've realized that in my past, I attracted certain negative energies or beings that held me back and caused me pain. I didn't realize how much these things were draining my energy. Now that you've helped clear them and offered insights into how they were affecting me, I feel hopeful that I can move forward in life with more freedom, happiness, and success. It's easy for people who help others to forget that they need help too, especially if they're sensitive and caring. It's important to regularly clear our own energy fields. I also believe that those of us who are introducing new ideas to the world need to be aware that there are forces that resist change. This can attract negative attention to people trying to make positive changes. I'm excited to continue working with you in the future.” — Natacha, Director of NewDawn SPA, California
Natacha L.
Sarah Nicole approaches her work with a lot of care and passion. She has a special ability to sense both the physical and emotional energy in your body, which helps her understand what you want to achieve. By tuning into your body's signals, she can guide you towards your goals by figuring out the next steps you need to take. Sarah can identify and remove obstacles like fear or doubts that might be holding you back from what you desire. While your main goal might be big, she focuses on what needs attention in the moment to help you progress. I've worked with her multiple times, and each session brings me more peace and wellbeing. She's helped me overcome fears and obstacles that were blocking my progress. Sometimes, we address smaller issues first before tackling bigger ones. With each step, I've felt closer to my goals, experiencing both small shifts and major breakthroughs. Her work has helped me heal and move closer to my ultimate goal. Now, I feel happier and more alive than ever before, and I'm excited to continue improving. I'm truly grateful for her help. Thank you, Sarah! — Julie C, Maryland
Julie C.
I was unsure about reaching out to Sarah at first, but I'm incredibly glad I did. From our very first session, I felt deeply touched and understood. Sarah saw me for who I truly am, even though I often wanted to hide away. She noticed how I suppressed my feelings, a habit I developed as a child and continued as an adult. I felt like I was sinking in life and didn't know where to turn for help. I tried seeing doctors and healing myself, but nothing seemed to work until I met Sarah. Thanks to Sarah's gentle and caring approach, my lung infections cleared up, and my terrible coughing disappeared after just three sessions. I am so thankful for this! My overwhelming fatigue improved significantly after a few more sessions, and with each session, I continued to see more improvements. I feel like I'm finally making progress. Emotionally, mentally, and physically, I'm getting better after each session. I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I'm taking longer walks and even getting back into gardening. My thoughts are more positive, and I feel happy and less stressed most of the time. It's been a huge relief to overcome the fatigue and depression I was feeling. And most importantly, I've started singing again. The creative block that plagued me for years is finally breaking down. Sarah Nicole, I am deeply grateful for you. Thank you for sharing your healing gifts with the world. If you're someone who's suffering and in need of help, please don't hesitate to work with Sarah!! THANK YOU!
Richard K., New York

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE Session >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Here’s the Best Money-Back Guarantee you can find in the Holistic Healing world...

I know you don't know me Yet, and before you do, you would like to know what you are getting into, I got you!

✅ Say goodbye to past disappointments and heal yourself with 100% satisfaction!
✅ Don’t Forget “Trying Is Believing.”                                                                                                     
✅ So, what are you waiting for? Join me on this journey of self-empowerment, and let’s light up the path individually and collectively to a brighter,  balanced future!

Start Your Self-Healing with ONE SESSION

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Quantum Physics is Where Spirituality and Natural Self-Healing is Hidden in Science...

Unique Energy Healing Method

Sarah Nicole designed her 3 Step Healing Method to reset Self-Healing process for her customers. Natural dynamic Self-Healing

Expertise merged with Science

As an advanced Scientist, Sarah uses her Mathematics and Quantum Physics knowledge in her healing performances

Self-Healing is the ONLY Healing

Sarah activates her clients Self-Healing natural abilities, empowering them to heal from within. 100% Holistic and fast Results.

ask me anything 🙂


Best way to Contact Sarah Nicole, is by sending an Email to We usually reply within few hours and not more than 24HR, Monday through Friday, 9 am - 6 pm Eastern Time.

You can also send her a TEXT message at  (813)-658-8054.


Anyone can order these sessions keeping in mind the following:

  • You would need to be 18+ to be able to order these self-healing sessions
  • You need to be the legal guardian if you are ordering this session for someone else who is under 18
  • You need to have permission to offer this session to someone else who is 18+

It does not matter what you are dealing with whether it’s severe chronic health issues or simply wanting to improve your health and wellbeing. Whether it’s physical symptoms or emotional pain, Self-healing will only improve your health and wellness regardless of your situation. Your body is designed to heal itself and these Self-healing sessions will only put you on the right path of your own natural rhythm of healing


A lot of healing results on all levels depending on your personal needs. you will start seeing changes from the first day. like less pain, fewer symptoms, sleeping better, feeling you can breathe better, more focus, etc these results will only start getting bigger each day, as your body starts to heal itself on a roll, every day you feel better than the previous one, working through your health and wellbeing issues.

Expect nothing less than goodness and gentle healing, you are now in the hands of the higher consciousness taking care of you after Sarah made that connection for you. Everyone is different and is on a different life journey, so results will not manifest the same for everyone. Although Sarah guarantees you will see healing results from the day you get your session and more in the following days, there will be different experiences for each one. You are not just a body, you are a soul, a spirit and you have your own energy field, and your circumstances and experiences are unique to you, as well as your environment situation. your life is unique and so is your self-healing initiation.


Yes no doubt, self-healing activation does include healing your spirit and aligning your soul, providing healing and protection, raising your vibration high, and matching your frequency to the universal healing frequency of our higher consciousness. So whatever you are dealing with spiritually and wanting to achieve for your spiritual journey, this Self-healing will only propel you to do it faster and holistically.


No, you don’t need a specific appointment, when you place your order, you will only be indicated when to expect your healing to happen. Usually from 2 to 5 business days of your order. Business days do not include Saturdays and Sundays.

You have nothing to do, as every Session is done following a specific blueprint to do the activation treatments. So there is no need for customization of your session during the Self-healing sessions.

Self-Healing sessions are done remotely and you will be sent a delivery Email notification right at the end of your session.


Yes, one thing you are responsible for after your session’s delivery is resting and allowing the healing to work. We recommend being very attentive to your body’s need for rest a few hours after you healing and up to 48 hours.

Other than that, you do not need to do anything on your end, no affirmations, no meditation, nothing to listen to, just relax, rest, and let your body do the work. resting will be very crucial to the healing adjustment and you may feel a bit too lazy or even a bit tired like after a workout session, or needing to sleep more out of nowhere. This is how you know the healing is working for you and this downtime phase will only last a few hours and up to 2 days after your session. Your body is doing the work to heal itself and make all the changes naturally.

After 2 days or sooner, you will feel renewed, more energetic, and happier and you will notice a significant improvement in your physical, emotional, and spiritual body and mind.


Yes, the adjustment can be permanent if your body is trained enough to heal itself, which means that some people may need more help in the future when they are dealing with so many things and want a helping hand to get them that quick fix again. You can order this session as many times as you feel the need, the more you do, the more you nudge your body to stay on the right track and do the right thing which is healing itself.

Some people have lost their healing balance for a long time due to many events such as chronic sickness, addictions, post-trauma, bad habits, environmental toxicity, etc, and feeling that their body is getting a bit too weak to keep that healing balance and that could happen. All you can do is remind your body to keep practicing self-healing, and if you need help again, you get another Self-healing session from Sarah to get you back on track!


Everybody has different goals and expectations when it comes to their health and well-being, and what you define as a healing achievement may be different from others. however, as mentioned earlier, no matter what you are looking for, you will see, feel, and notice healing results from day 1 of your session and your body will continue to work for you delivering even more results in the following days and weeks.

What you need to achieve may depend on your situation and how much help your body needs to get there. you are in charge of your life and health, you would know when you feel stagnant or losing balance, so you can get another session for you down the road. Every Self-healing session you get from Sarah trains your body to practice healing, some people will be a one-time fix and back at it, to do it themselves. and Some may need extra push now and then to remind their body to self-heal.

Every healing you get from Sarah will greatly advance you to achieve your results faster as it will remind your body to do the work and keep practicing, while your mind and spirit are learning how to do it for yourself consciously and unconsciously.

Bottom line, everyone is different, and it is okay to reach out for help if you need that extra push helping hand to get you over the hump again. Practice is key.


Full recovery or complete cure are never guaranteed on our end, as it takes so many variables and dedication to get there. Sarah practiced self-healing on her self for over a year to heal her kidney tumor, and 8 months to get rid of her deadly leukemia. She used the same healing practice on herself first to heal her own chronic conditions, each one of them has a different journey and different timing of recovery.

Same for you, your condition does not define you, this is not one pill fits all, although traditional medicine gave you the same labels and names for your issues, at the end of the day, your whole situation is unique, your body, energy, soul, your past, experiences, your environment, everything about you is a blend of so many parameters and your full recovery will only match your uniqueness.

Some people can achieve recovery within days or a few weeks of some type of symptoms or health conditions, and some others would need more time, and some would need extra help for more healing. Sarah worked on many severe cases, and every case is different, we never know how long and how much healing it would take till we get there.

What matters, after all, is progress and being on the right track and heading towards the right direction, if your self-haling process is awakened and you feel better every day and you notice improvement every week, you are blessed and it is up to you to monitor your self-healing mechanism and be on top of your game to keep it on and keep your body working for you. That way, you will reach destiny one day for sure, but don’t be impatient, because the journey is far more fun than the final line when it comes to progress happiness, and feeling empowered and awakened!


Very easy to place your order. Just click on the Booking button on the form to get your Coupon Code first, you will receive an instant Email with your code to use at the checkout. Make sure you enter the correct Email address. Also, if this is your first time ordering, you may check you PROMOTION INBOX or your SPAM INBOX. 

Then at the checkout page, you fill out the form with your basic info. No need to explain any of your health situations, Self-healing sessions are done the same way on everyone to awaken your body to self-heal and work for you no matter what you are going through and what your goals are. Your body is an intelligent device that knows how to heal what is needed.

==> Make sure you put in the correct Email address in the form, that is how you will receive confirmation of your order and how your order will be delivered. Your payment will be safely processed by the Company Stripe, a very trustworthy payment processor online.

Your payment info will remain private and will never be shared including your bank card number etc. 


You should receive a confirmation Email of your order with your receipt immediately, sometimes up to 10 minutes. You can check your SPAM folder in your inbox if this is your first time placing your order with us, so you can simply retrieve it back to your main inbox.

Email will be sent to you from HAVEN WITHIN –

Your confirmation email may have additional info about your session, so please make sure you open it and read it, and if you have any questions, simply reply to it and ask us.


If you just placed a new order and did not receive your confirmation email within 15 min, it could be you entered a mistaken email while placing your order. No worries! just email us at and let us know about your issue and we ll look for your order in our payment system with your payment info, and we ll correct your email address for you 🙂

If you have any other issues, just send us an Email to and we’ll do our best to help you ASAP. We get to our emails pretty quickly, within a few hours, not more than 24 hours.


NO. This order is for a Quantum Healing Session that combines 3 Healing Treatments at once to ensure full Self-Healing Activation. A process done following the same blueprint for everyone. There is no customization for this healing session. And your order will be fully dedicated to perform this Healing Session for you. No additional services will be delivered with it.

You will only receive an Email for your delivery and general instructions.

If you are in need for additional healing services, you can simply reach out to Sarah and she will guide you.


Yes absolutely! you can work with Sarah on your specific health and wellness issues, however, these healing packages are unavailable for first-time clients.

For you to qualify, you need to at least have tried her self-healing session at least once in the past 3 months. Then you can reach out to her to see how you can apply for one of her one-on-one custom healing packages.

Sarah has different healing packages available depending on her customer’s needs and wants. Packages include custom one-on-one sessions whether remotely without an appointment or via live videos or chats.

If you are already a customer and you ordered a self-healing session at least once in the past 3 months, you can reach out to Sarah by replying to your delivery Email, and we will take it from there to guide you on your application.


Since the pandemic, the world has been hit with a lot of health issues and a lot of confusion around them. Sarah had to help so many people with these symptoms and also new issues that her clients started to suffer from all of a sudden.

She realized a lot of common frustration and lack of independence when it comes to self-healing, She had the idea of offering Self-healing sessions to anyone inspired to be empowered and in control of their health and wellbeing.

More of us connected to the Divine, empowered and awakened from within will help the individuals and the collective to bring mass awakening and stronger visions for our future. We are in this together and each one of us is bringing a lot of help by empowering yourself and working on improving your destiny.


Sure! Go ahead and send us an Email to with all your questions, and we’ll do our best to get back to you ASAP 🙂

Try ONE SINGLE SESSION SELF-HEALING Activation For just $99:

Start Your Self-Healing with 1 SESSION >>

Awaken Your Natural Healing Abilities to Heal Yourself every day!

Your Session will be scheduled within 2 to 5 Business Days.

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